Влогот на Lido's Ethereum преминува 5M, Frax Ethereum во пораст

Liquid staking protocol Lido said its staked Ethereum on the Beacon Chain reached 5.05 million ($8.32 billion).

ЛДО surged 18% to $2.45 in the last 24 hours, according to CryptoSlate податоци. The token rose by 16% in the previous seven days and 25% in the last 30 days.

Lido dominates liquid staking

On Feb. 6, Lido said its staking deposits grew across all chains except Kusama — which has decreased for the past two weeks.

The total value of assets locked (TVL) on the Lido rose by 5.5% in the last seven days to $8.48 billion — with the majority being in ETH, according to data aggregator DeFillama.

Лидото shows that $8.32 billion in Ethereum was staked via its platform. Other assets, like Polygon (МАТИК), Солана (СОЛ), Кусама (Тјурингова) и Полкадот (ДОТ) имаат комбинирана вредност од 155.06 милиони долари.

Лидо рече its February incentives of 1.95 million LDO tokens were now live.

Meanwhile, Lido remains the dominant staking service provider — controlling 29.3% of the market. The protocol also doubles as the dominant DeFi protocol, holding around 17.31% of the market.

Frax Ethereum surges

Frax Ethereum’s (frxETH) TVL increased by roughly 77% in the past month to $144 million, according to DeFillama data.

frxETH’s supply grew by 70,000 ETH within three months, making it the fourth-largest ETH liquid staking derivatives (LSD), Blockchain analytical firm Nansen пријавени.

Во меѓувреме, CryptoSlate data shows that the ecosystem’s native token Frax Share (FXS), has benefitted from the increased interest. FXS rose roughly 30% in the last 24 hours to $13.06 and surged 120% over the last 30 days.

Објавено во: Ethereum, staking

Source: https://cryptoslate.com/lidos-staked-ethereum-crosses-5m-frax-ethereum-on-the-rise/