AAG Ventures Strategic Rebrand за да го зголеми облогот на Metaverse

  • Отсега натаму, AAG Ventures will be referred to as AAG.
  • AAG will release its wallet in Q4 of 2022.

The web3 infrastructure company AAG Ventures is boosting its betting on the Metaverse, after a productive year of  assisting underprivileged people who used AAG to take advantage of the Play2Earn (P2E) revolution. AAG Ventures will now be recognized as simply AAG as part of the well-built strategic approach.

Following the guild’s success, AAG discovered that the web3 ecosystem for mainstream customers had some essential gaps, so it set out to create more user-friendly products to support Play2Earn games, guilds, and services to assist learning – as a preliminary step. 

To reach this aim, Shima Capital, Tribe Capital, and Tess Ventures sponsored a $12.5 million private fundraising round for the play-to-earn game firm AAG Ventures in December 2021. 

За да може web3 да достигне мејнстрим усвојување, индустријата треба да достигне одредено ниво на зрелост како целина. Досега, фокусот беше главно на програмерите и раните посвојувачи. Ние сме тука да го промениме тоа. Треба да обезбедиме многу подобро корисничко искуство додека ги заштитуваме целокупните идеи на web3, што значи отвореност, пристап и децентрализација.

AAG’s Upcoming Initiatives 

In Q4 of 2022, AAG will release its wallet, its name has been revealed as part of the revamp MetaOne Wallet. The user-friendly wallet will be a one-stop shop for the customers’ blockchain and метаверза identities. A redesigned website, more GameFi options, and more exchange listings are all scheduled to launch in Q3 2022.

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/aag-ventures-strategic-rebrand-to-increases-bet-on-metaverse/