Пазарот на UNUS SED LEO е нарушен, наскоро котација на берза Tamadog

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UNUS SED LEO Market is Bearish, Tamadoge Exchange Listing SoonFollowing a moderate upside value retracement in the UNUS SED LEO market, selling activities has resumed. Consequently, this has initiated a decline in value, in the LEO/USD market. However, it is important to know future possible activities that could occur in this market, which if properly discovered and utilized, will be profitable to traders.

Податоци за статистика за прогноза на LEO:
Тековната цена на UNUS SED LEO: е 4.63 долари
LEO’s market cap: $4.4 billion
UNUS SED LEO’s circulating supply: 953.95 million
LEO’s total supply: 985.24 million
UNUS SED LEO’s Coinmarketcap ranking: #19

Клучни ознаки за цени:
Отпорност: 5.00 $, 5.50 $, 6.00 $
Поддршка: $4.63, $4.32 $4.00

Пазарот на UNUS SED LEO е нарушен, наскоро котација на берза Tamadog


UNUS SED LEO Appears Unready to Trend Upwards, Invest in Tamadoge Todays

Bears in the ЛЕО / УСД market are strong and are trying to keep price action in the deep waters. The last candle on this chart keeps pushing at the lower band of the Bollinger band. Normally, there should be a price rebound after the lower limit of this indicator has been pushed. However, at this point, it appears as if the lower band of this indicator may still be pushed further. This is because the RSI has just crossed each other in the oversold to indicate a further downtrend. Traders can expect price to fall to lower support around $4.500 or $4.350 or a rebound to occur. However, should a rebound occur price may retrace near $5.00.

Пазарот на UNUS SED LEO е нарушен, наскоро котација на берза Tamadog

Price Analysis for UNUS SED LEO: LEO/USD Bulls Appear Weak

On the LEO/USD four-hour trading chart it could be seen that there have been some short-term minimal gains. Price action in this market has only managed to move few points to the upside in what appears to be an upside correction.

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Additionally, the RSI further confirms that some minimal gains have been recorded in this market. This can be perceived as the line of this indicator appears to be journeying upwards. However, considering how mangled this line is as well as the current level of these lines we can assume that the trend is weak, and may soon reverse. Therefore, this market may only favor short-term traders over long terms ones.

Тамадоге, исто така, беше истакнат од Bitcoinist, BeInCrypto, NewsBTC и крипто влијателите низ социјалните медиуми. Џејкоб Крипто Бури погоре забележува дека купувањето на Тамадоге еквивалентно на 55.8 ЕТХ било забележано на Etherscan во неделата.


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Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/unus-sed-leo-market-is-bearish-tamadoge-exchange-listing-soon